Friday, September 25, 2009


Remember, there will be no story time this week. Ms. Amber is going to be away at a library conference. Spend the day reading!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept. 23 Theme: Autumn Leaves Are Falling

I've been noticing more and more leaves turning bright yellow, orange, red, and even purple. I'm even noticing some on the ground. The autumn leaves are starting to fall. We will spend our time together this Wednesday celebrating the changing of the season.

Here are some great books about autumn leaves:

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert

The Little Yellow Leaf by Carin Berger

Leaf Jumpers by Carole Gerber

Please Note: there will be no story time next Wednesday, Sept. 30, as Ms. Amber will be at an out-of-town library conference. Take this time to devote some special mommy/caretaker reading time with your little ones. We will continue as usual the following week.

But please join us this week for our celebration of fall!

Wednesday, September 23

10:30am at the Clinton District Library

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fall on the Farm books

One of the caretakers asked for the names of the books we read together yesterday at story time, so I thought I would also post them here! I usually try to at least post one of the books I'm planning on reading, but so much of it has to do with the feeling in the room on any given day, so I usually prepare 3-4 books for the 2-4 year olds and then end up reading anywhere from 1-3 depending on the group.

Yesterday, we read:

Barn Dance! by Bill Martin and John Archambault


The Little Scarecrow Boy by Margaret Wise Brown

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 16 theme: Fall on the Farm

Well, autumn seems to be slowly heading our way, though I think we're still in summer's clutches. That's okay, though, because at the Clinton District Story Time, we're getting ready for autumn and celebrating the harvest with our Fall on the Farm theme. We're going to have some fun in the barnyard and meet some scarecrow friends.

Also, just an update about the Infant Lapsit Story Time: it seemed to be a success, so we're continuing on. The first portion of our 10:30 story time will be devoted to singing songs and reading short books designed for babies, which will be immediately followed by our regular story time adventures! I am so glad everyone is as excited about this as I am!

So whether you are ages birth-2, or 2-4, join us for our exciting Wednesday line-up!

It all starts at 10:30am on Sept. 16
at the Clinton District Library

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flu Season

A very kind parent called in today to let us know that her little one was feeling under the weather and they wouldn't be making it to story time. She reminded me of a really good point that I think is important to bring up: with all of the health scares going on right now, it is important to stay at home if you or your little one is feeling sick this fall. Please do not try to make it to story time if you are ill...spreading the sickness isn't going to be good for anyone. Likewise, if I am feeling ill, I will call in to Clinton and be sure to post it on here to let you know if story time is cancelled.
Thanks so much!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sept. 9 Theme: Fresh From the Garden

Well, it's that time of year. Yes, it's time for story time to start back up...but it's also time for fresh veggies to come straight from the garden! If you're like me, the tomatoes are getting ripe faster than you can pick them, your peppers are dripping off the branches, and you're just pretending you don't see the kale growing more enormous every day. Whew.

If you're like me, you also have one little problem:

Pesky critters nibbling away at all your hard work! *sigh* What is a gardener to do?!

Well, for our story time kick-off we're going to read some stories about bad little bunnies who like to munch on your garden veggies and we're going to make a very special craft that will hopefully keep them away!

Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming

Please note: due to high demand we will try a short infant lapsit session at the beginning of story time and then we'll move into the Fresh From the Garden 2-4 year-old theme. Older children are welcome to join in at the beginning as we sing songs and read short, infant-friendly books. This infant story time feature is in the R&D phase and will be an adjust-as-we-go kind of thing, so please be patient, give feedback, and bear with us.

Join us for this new and exciting story time!

Wednesday, Sept. 9

10:30am at the Clinton District Public Library